I wasn’t always like this…
The person you want to become isn’t far as far away as you may think. The person you know today does life much differently that the old me. I get it. You’re not where you want to be physically. You haven’t found the career that lights you up. You’re not feeling good about who you […]
The Most Effective Way To Lose Fat…
So what you’re going to want to do for surefire ways to lose fat is: Drink this detox drink Sleep for only a few hours Be so busy you forget to eat Binge eat as soon as you get home on snacks Eat a salad Then treat yourself to 3 glasses of wine ( or […]
Big Wins!!
It’s always good to share wins. One of the first things we do on all coaching calls is go over the week or month that was and discuss wins. It so important to review and remind ourselves of what went well. It’s easy to talk about everything that didn’t work or what we didn’t do. […]
A rough one..
Last week was rough. Being a small business owner today is tough, especially in a changing industry like fitness. Covid brought things like the mirror, peloton, and tonal to the forefront on the industry. Many people invested time and money in a home gym. And the there is the introduction of virtual training allowing folks […]
A kick in the a$$.
We all need it sometimes. Some more than others. Some more often than others. Well I need it often. And more often than most. Recently I got it from a coaching call in one of the mentorship groups I’m in. Boy did it need it too. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, especially when you’re […]
Back in the saddle again..
It was a long holiday weekend. Maybe you ate or drank too much. Maybe you got too much sun and are just drained today. Have to catch up on work after the long weekend away; email, voicemails, urgent matters, etc.. So where does getting back into your exercise and nutrition routine fall in the list […]
How do you do it..
I get it a lot from people. How do I stay lean? “You don’t not eat that stuff ( pizza, ice cream, etc.).” Actually it’s the complete opposite. I eat the same “guilty pleasure” foods you do. I love pizza, pasta, ice cream and the occasional sweets. They’r just not what I eat all day. […]
Picking back up…
We’ve all been there. We tell ourselves we are going to do something. Finally. You’re making it happen. You’ve committed to it. (kinda, lol) You’re doing it. You’re excited. You’ve strung together a few days in a row, maybe even weeks. And then something happens and you don’t get it done that day. A bit […]
Just The Tip..
Just The Tip….Fitness tips that is..:-) 10-15 minutes of JR training, our jump rope has significant impact of your health and fitness. Simply 10-15 minutes of JR will: aid in calories burned -equivalent to running an 8 minute mile improves coordination – enhances general motor coordination & balance improved cardiovascular health- improves CVD risk factors, […]
I have NO IDEA.
I HAVE NO IDEA!! I don’t. I’m sorry. I have no idea what it feels like to be overweight or obese. Maybe you struggle with confidence, self esteem, self worth, negative thoughts, depression. You don’t have to be overweight or obese to experience those feelings. I have, and still do, from time to time, experience […]