We all need it sometimes.
Some more than others.
Some more often than others.
Well I need it often.
And more often than most.
Recently I got it from a coaching call in one of the mentorship groups I’m in.
Boy did it need it too.
It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, especially when you’re getting in your own way.
That’s the #1 problem, we are really the only ones in our way.
Today’s day and age makes it possible for anyone to do anything; and more rapid than ever before.
Struggling on a few fronts, it was the kick in the ass I needed.
In reality the biggest shifts come in the form of mindset shifts.
Those are the key to gains in health, fitness, business, relationships, you name it.
Client Feature
My Momma Rosie. There’s no-one like your mother. And that even goes if she’s a client. My mom, obviously, has been with me since I